Writing Fractions

Writing Fractions

I Definitions and representations

Writing Fractions → I Definitions and representations

I-1 Numerator and denominator

Definition [Fraction]

The quotient of dividing an integer a by an integer b different from 0, is denoted by the fraction ab. The quotient ab is the number that when multiplied by b gives a.


  • We have b×ab=a, for example:
    2 times 142 = 14
  • In writing the fraction as a:b, a is the dividend and b the divisor. For example when we write 6:11, the dividend is 6 and the divisor is 11.
  • In writing the fraction as ab, a is the numerator (originally as Latin numerator : the one that counts , b the denominator (originally as Latin denominator : the one that denominates , as it denominates, it determines the unit).
    For example in the fraction 112, the numerator is 11 and the denominator is 2.
  • The fraction is a quotient; that is, the result of division, by a number .

Definition [Numerator]

This is the part of a fraction which counts how many units are contained in this fraction.

Definition [Denominator]

This is the part of a fraction which indicates how many equal parts the unit is divided into.
Writing FractionsI Definitions and representations → I-1 Numerator and denominator

I-2 Some ideas

First Idea

Given the fraction 83, it can be considered as 8×13.
Consider the unit interval:

As the denominator is 3, we divide the interval into 3 equal parts:
and we have to take 8 such parts:
it has the distance 83

Second idea

Take the fraction 83, that can be considered as one third of 8. Take the unit interval:
Since the numerator is 8, it has 8 times the length of :
The length is divided into 3 parts.

we place our number there:

Third idea

The fraction 83 is the number which is an approximate value is 0 because the division does not terminate (you can see the accuracy). It is then easy to place this number, even approximately, on a graduated axis .


In all the above methods, the distance from 0 to 83 is always the same (note the change in the choice of the unit anyway!)

II Different fractions for the same number

Writing Fractions → II Different fractions for the same number

II-1 A First approach

Here is an illustration:

We note that the two rectangles are superimopsable, so also the the colored areas.
Now in the first case les 4 fifths of the rectangle were colored, whereas in the second case, 8 were colored.
We can deduce that the fractions 45 and 810 are equal.

We note: 45=810. The same number (it is a rational number) can be written in many different ways.
We also note that:
45=0,8 and 810=0,8
The two ratios are the same!

II-2 Theorem and exercises

Theorem [Equal fractions]

The ratio ab does not change when we multiply (or we divide) the numerator and denominator by the same non-zero number. When a, b0, and k0 the numbers are:
ab = a×kb×k ab = a÷kb÷k

Example [Simplifying form of fractions ]

Using the above rule, write down the steps and simplify the fraction: 26.
Can be simplified in two ways:

Example [Find a decimal ]

Consider the following fractions: 7825. Write as a decimal fraction (fraction whose denominator is 10,100, 1000, ...) showing the steps in writing decimal.
We can write:

II-3 Interesting extensions

First extension

Given a fraction 224. One can write 224=2÷424÷4=0,56. These entries represent the same number. In contrast, when the numerator or denominator are not integers, we no longer speak of arational number , but a quotient number.

Second extension

Given the fraction 0,930,84, we can write 0,930,84=0,93×1000,84×100=9384. That's why we had to learn how to make divisions with decimals! We've just written a fractional number as a rational number.

Decimals to fractions

All decimal numbers (a fortiori the integers) always admit a (and therefore in many ways) rational form. For example: 2,53=25301000=.


It is important to note that the reverse is false. There are fractions that have no decimal notation, for example:


is a fraction, but is not a decimal, because if the division is performed, it does not stop.

III Value of a Fractional Number

Writing Fractions → III Value of a Fractional Number

III-1 Point Method for Finding a Fractional Number

Theorem [Multiplying a decimal number by a fraction]

In order to multiply a decimal number a by a fraction bc (with c0), that is, to calculate a×bc or bc×a, since multiplication is commutative, we can use either of the following methods:
  • Method 1 One first finds the ratio b÷c and then multiplies the result by a, which can be written as: a×bc=a×(b÷c).
  • Method 2 One calculates the product a×b, which is then divided by c, which can be written as: a×bc=(a×b)÷c.
  • Méthode 3 One calculates the ratio a÷c, then the multiples the result by b, which can be written as: a×bc=(a÷c)×b.


Let us perform various calculations with the three methods described above:

First method: a×bc=a×(b÷c)
A = 180×23
A = 180× non calculable
A = non calculable

Second method: a×bc=(a×b)÷c
A = 180×23
A = 180×23
A = 3603
A = 120

Third method: a×bc=(a÷c)×b
A = 180×23
A = 1803×2
A = 60×2
A = 120


  • The first method is not always possible.
  • The second method can handle more number of cases.
  • The third method often seems fast for calculations that can make take longer.
Writing FractionsIII Value of a Fractional Number → III-1 Point Method for Finding a Fractional Number

IV Comparison of Numbers in Fractional Form

Theorem [Comparison of fractions with same denominator]

If two given fractional numbers have the same denominator, then the smallest is the one with the smallest numerator.

Example [ ]

The relation 29<59 can also be written as 59>29.
Similarly we have: 191,1>91,1 can also be written as 91,1<191,1.

Theorem [Compare fractional numbers with same numerator]

If two numbers have fractional forms with the same numerator, then the smallest is the one that has the highest denominator.

Example [ ]

The relation 68<65 can be written as 65>68.
Similarly we find: 1,510>1,513 can be written as 1,513<1,510.

Theorem [Comparing fractions with different denominators]

In order to compare fractions with different denominators, we convert them to a form with the same denominator.

Example [ ]

Compare the following fractions: 157 and 1342.
Now, 157=9042, it is like comparing 1342 and 9042 as 90>13 then 9042>1342 and thus finally 157>1342
Writing Fractions → IV Comparison of Numbers in Fractional Form

V Precedence Rules in Calculation with Ratios

Let us calculate the following expressions:




as shown by the following examples.
A = 46+164 A = 46+4 A = 50
B = 4616+4 B = 4620 B = 2,3
C = 46+416 C = 5016 C = 3,125

Above, we were applying the rules of precedence of the arithmetic operations for fractions. We can also write (as you do in a calculator):

A=46+16÷4, B=46÷(16+4) et C=(46+4)÷16

which clearly shows the priorities.


The same method of calculation is applied with subtraction instead of addition.

However, it would not go through for calculations with decimal numbers...
Writing Fractions → V Precedence Rules in Calculation with Ratios

VI Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

Theorem [Addition and subtraction of fractions]

For adding (or for subtracting) of two fractional numbers same denominator :
  • for adding ( or for subtracting ) of two numerators;
  • fractions with the same denominator.

In other words, if a, b and d are numbers ( d non-zero),on a:



Example [ ]

A = 11,7204,820 A = 11,74,820 A = 6,920
and the simplified result is:


If the denominators are different, we start with fractions having same denominators.

Example [ ]

B = 296154+3577 B = 296154+35×277×2 B = 296154+70154 B = 296+70154 B = 366154
and the simplified result is:
Writing Fractions → VI Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

document sur l'écriture fractionnaire.
: fraction, écriture fractionnaire,rational_number, Euler, mathematiques, Versailles

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